
FAQs For Buying LazyFrog's Product:

1. Can I get a refund if I buy the same product multiple times by mistake?

A: Yes, you can. Refunds will be issued if someone mistakenly buys the same product more than once (Suppose, someone buys XYZ product 2 times. Second purchase by mistake will be refunded).

2. Can I get a refund if I buy the product by mistake?

A: No. If product purchased by mistake, no refund will be made.

3. Can I get a refund if I don't like the product after buying it?

A: No refund will be given if product is not satisfied after purchase. So look carefully and buy the product.

4. Can I get a refund if there is a problem with the product?

A: Please contact us once before claiming that the product is defective. Because many people are using the product without any problem. If there is any problem then contact us, the product will be fixed.

5. The product does not have these features, will I get a refund?

A: The product may not always have what you want. Because the products are made for general purpose. In that case, you see that the features you want are not there. In that case you will not get a refund. So check the product description before buying.

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